We are located in Kampala-Uganda                   


"Sponsor A Child and keep their Dreams Alive"


The Personal Gift Scheme can be used by those who currently sponsor a child. We are so grateful for your monthly support of your child but we know that there are times when you want to give beyond your monthly sponsorship and purchase something special for your sponsored child. We know that there are high costs involved in posting gifts, that have been bought from abroad to Uganda and that money can be spent much more efficiently. This is why the Personal Gift Scheme exists.

What Is Personal Gift Scheme?

The Personal Gift Scheme allows you to give a gift to your sponsored child which is above and beyond your monthly sponsorship amount. This may be something you do for the child’s birthday, in response to a letter they may have written you, or simply because you want to bless them.

How Does It Work?

There are 5 simple steps for giving a Personal Gift:

1. Donate your chosen amount of money online or over the phone.

2. Our team in Uganda will meet your sponsored child and discuss what He/she wishes to use your money gift for us.

3. Our team will then go and purchase those gifts with the money you donated with the child so that you are able to see the whole process and what the money was used for.

4. The child will have her gift immediately after purchasing

5. We send a report to you (Immediately) with what the money bought and, where possible, some photos of the child receiving their gifts or purchasing them.

How Much Should I Give?

Due to the amount of work & time involved in purchasing and at time delivering that is if the child is resettled, we set a minimum amount of $50. This is due to our team in Uganda spending considerable time visiting your child twice and then time taken to go and purchase the gifts.

How much you decide to give over this is completely your choice. We have had gifts ranging from $58 to $1500. For example, $57may purchase your child a backpack, a mattress & a goat, and $1700 may build a new single roomed house for your child. Every time a Personal Gift is donated we ensure that the gifts given are those that are the most beneficial to the child & their family in case of resettlement.

Give a Personal Gift

Pretty's sponsor donated $60 as a Personal Gift. When we met with Pretty & her family we realized that Pretty wanted a pig to rear and something that can allow her time to look after as many young kids of her age tend to admire what other kids in the society have. In the end this helped Pretty and her family as now they have about three pigs. Such personal gifts are gates from so much pain for families as a result they help the mothers mostly on how to keep their kids fully equipped with the things they might need. And finally, Pretty’s family received a pig which they can breed and grow for future income.